A Letter From The Editor

I have always enjoyed this time of year. I’m not sure what it is about the holiday season. Maybe it’s the change in weather, the festive decorations, or anticipation of the inevitable indulgence in retail therapy and gift-giving. Whatever it is, each year seems to bring its own special nuances and memorable experiences.

Within this issue we tried to capture the spirit and unique energy of the 2016 holiday season. Once again our Lifestyle Editor, Pandora Vanderpump-Sabo, gives us a glimpse of what it takes to make a memorable holiday soirée that you won’t want to miss. Included in this luscious spread is a plethora of delectable recipes and effortlessly-elegant decorating tips to take your holiday bash to the next level.

Featured on the cover of this edition is the multi-talented, Bellamy Young, from the hit ABC show Scandal. Bellamy was a delight to work with on set. Once again, photographer, Jim Jordan, expertly captured the beautiful actress and singer, in a way I’m sure you’ll agree connotes the holiday spirit with vivid red, emerald and gold tones.

While you turn the pages of this edition, please remember to take some time to vote for this year’s Luxury Awards. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Saint Agnes Holy Cross Center For Women. The Awards are set for January 20, 2017 at TorNino’s Banquets, and is sure to be the event of the season. Once you finish voting, be sure to purchase your ticket or table online. The event is already filling up and space is limited.

I have to once more thank all of our clients and readers for supporting us over the last three years. We have so much to celebrate as we embark on 2017. And remember to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter.

Cheers and Happy Holidays,

A Letter From The Editor

A Letter From The Editor